It would be amazing to have butterflies, birds, and different types of wildlife in your yard, especially the kind that does not pose any threat to you or your neighbors.
Planting native vegetation is one of the ways to attract wildlife to your backyard; and native plants help sustain natural animal habitats. Here are some advantages of native landscaping:
It will save you a lot of energy – Native vegetation is at home with the soil, the temperature and the rainfall of your location and growing it will be easy.
Endemic vegetation can survive all the seasons in Texas, and you will hardly need to irrigate or fertilize them to enhance their growth. Furthermore, native vegetation is pest and disease resistant, meaning that taking care of the vegetation will not demand much effort from you. Non-native vegetation can easily get diseases and die out, or takes too much work to sustain.
Non-native vegetation can be poisonous to local vegetation – Plants that are not native to your area may be invasive and in most cases can pose a threat to the local vegetation. This poison might be because of the plant’s self-defense mechanism, growth patterns, and struggle for survival in their new environment.
Non-native plants can cause diseases to other plants or animals that are not used to sharing the same space with them, or they might even prove to be harmful to human beings.
Native vegetation will not become invasive – As opposed to other plants that spread uncontrollably and demand too much effort to maintain, native plants are part of the ecosystem and operate with checks and balances that keep vegetation under control.
Furthermore, the vegetation attracts animals and other helpful microorganisms, making them an all-round favorite for the environment. Their root system enriches the soil through enhancing percolation, reducing runoff, and improving the quality of the soil.
Native plants are sustainable – Environmental sustainability is a key issue when it comes to thinking of future generations. The earth had established a system where particular plants grow in particular areas while others thrive someplace else. Growing native plants in your lawn makes it possible for the environment to replenish itself and possibly start to reverse the adverse effects of the gradually changing climate.
Native plants enhance children’s games – Most people make use of the native vegetation to create a play area for their children. Kids love to play with nature, climb trees, hang out in tree houses, or roll on the grass just for fun. Native vegetation will handle such activities without endangering it, or harming the health of the children.
Native vegetation is interesting in all aspects – You can come across trees, shrubs and flowers of different shapes, colors and sizes growing naturally, and this diversity can be points of interest in your lawn or garden. Many of these flora have interesting ways of dealing with the cold winters as well as with the hot summers, and they all have unique growth patterns and pollination procedures.
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